Sewing Taken Care of....
Sewing Taken Care of....

A bit about me and my business

My name is Jo and I have always been interested in fashion but often found that the clothes available in your typical High Street retailers just weren't exactly what I wanted. So... I started to customise the clothes I was buying.

For years now I have been adapting, modifying and adjusting my clothes to get a perfect fit and naturally progressed into full dress making. As friends and family saw what I was achieving and the standard to which I work I got more and more requests for alterations, repairs, dress making, and soft furnishings such as pillow cases and curtain alterations.

I love all manner of hand craft work, from woodwork to needle work, but I always return to the sewing machine, I am constantly challenging myself with new projects from making my own winter coat to adapting patterns to make something even more unique. 

...and my business

My business was born of the demand by family and friends to customise new clothes for a better fit and to extend the longevity of their favourite garments.

I started with second hand sewing machine and a very basic and cheap overlocker. I eventually upgraded the overlocker to a more sturdy reliable model and in 2014 I upgraded my sewing machine to an all singing all dancing computerised model. In 2015 I sourced a much loved coverlocker to add to my collection.

Currently, I operate the business from home around a part time job (we all have bills to pay right!) and am available most evenings and weekend afternoons.

If you need some sewing done, be it to re-attach a button or to design and make bench cushions for your DIY project I can help,


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© Victoria Jane